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E34 S52 Swap Overview & Manual Swap
This particular swap was done for a customer at my shop and was finished in late 2019. This car was originally a RHD 1992 525i wagon,...

E34 S52 Intake, Exhaust & Fuel
I used the stock E34 525i intake system, including the intake elbow and intake box - although I used a rotary tool to widen and radius...

E34 S52 Cooling, P/S & A/C
The M50 cooling system routing is the same as the S52. However the M50 uses a slightly different setup to do this and some of the ports...

E34 S52 Fitment & Electrical
Physically to fit the S52 into the E34 is fairly simple. You only need to remove the E36 engine mount arms and install E34 M50 engine...
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